The law of Vietnam states that all foreigners who will be taking up jobs in the country and will be working for at least three months must have a work permit. Working in Vietnam without the necessary permit is considered illegal and the labor contract will be deemed invalid.

Foreigners and expats in Vietnam who needed to extend their stay in the country would often resort to visa runs. A Vietnam visa run is applicable to those who entered using a visa with a limited stay.

Hanoi, July 1, 2020 DECREE 75/2020/ND-CP DETAILING SEVERAl ARTICLES OF THE LAW AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SOME ARTICLES OF THE LAW ON ENTRY, EXIT, TRANSIT, AND RESIDENCE OF FOREIGNERS IN VIETNAM Under the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; According to the Law on Entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam dated

In most cases, the Vietnam student visa is arranged upon arrival in the country. Most students will enter the country in a tourist.

Taking an internship in Vietnam is a great way to get acquainted with a new culture and work environment, which prepares you for the life ahead. Regardless of the industry that you have chosen to work in, interning in Vietnam is an experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life.

Taking an internship abroad is an exciting experience, especially if you will choose to go to the beautiful country of Vietnam. An internship in Vietnam will offer valuable experiences that you cannot experience anywhere else.

In order to curb the spread of Covid-19, Vietnam has decided to shut down its borders in March. The government also suspended all International flights and halted the issuance of new visas to foreign nationals.

Sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 04/2015/TT-BCA ngày 05/01/2015 của Bộ Công an quy định mẫu giấy tờ liên quan đến việc nhập cảnh, xuất cảnh, cư trú của người nước ngoài tại Việt Nam BỘ CÔNG AN   CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập –

Please find below for official form NA1a also called Vietnamese electronic visa application form. Foreigner who want to apply for Vietnam e-visa should complete this form.

If you are eligible to apply for Vietnam e-visa, you can apply for an e-visa with transit purpose. It cost you $25 per person.

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