October 1, 2024
Jamaican Patois

Vietnam visa online fi Chinese citizens: Everyting yuh need fi know

Wa mek Vietnam a wan must-visit destination fi Chinese citizens

Vietnam have a lot fi offer to dem visitors. A one safe an friendly country, wid a low crime rate, mek it an ideal destination fi solo travelers, families, an groups. Di locals dem know fi dem welcoming nature an dem always happy fi share dem culture an traditions wid tourists.

One a di highlights a visiting Vietnam is di delicious cuisine. Vietnamese food is known fi it fresh ingredients, bold flavors, an unique blend a influences fram different regions. Fram hearty pho noodles to savory banh mi sandwiches, nuh shortage a mouth-watering dishes deh fi try.

Wan neks reason fi visit Vietnam is it affordability. Compared to other popular tourist destinations, Vietnam offer great value fi money. Accomodation, transportation, an food are all relatively inexpensive, mek it an ideal budget-friendly destination.

Moreover, Vietnam boast beautiful landscapes an a favorable climate. Fram di breathtaking Halong Bay tu di charming ancient town a Hoi An, yuh no have no shortage a stunning sights fi explore. Di konchri aalso ab difrah-difrah klaimit, wid difrah-difrah riijan a-expiiriens difrah-difrah weda patyuushan, so deh aalwiez ab aidiil taim fi vizit.

Chinese citizens need a visa fi enter Vietnam?

While Vietnam don implement a visa exemption policy fi some countries, unfortunately, Chinese citizens dem nuh include. Dis mean seh Chinese citizens haffi get a visa before dem trip to Vietnam. However, deh have a convenient way fi Chinese citizens apply fi a visa widout having to visit di Vietnamese embassy or consulate.

Living far fram di Vietnamese embassy/consulate, can Chinese citizens apply fi a Vietnam visa online?

Wid di introduction a di Vietnam e-Visa, weh dem call di Vietnam visa online, Chinese citizens can now apply fi dem visa fram di comfort a dem own yaad or office. Dis online visa system deh deh fi passport holders a all countries an territories, including China. Di process simple, quick, an easy.

All Chinese citizens need fi do is visit di official website a di Vietnam Immigration Department an fill out di online application form. Dem a go need fi provide personal information, passport details, an travel plans. Dem a go haffi upload a digital photo a demself an a scan copy a dem passport.

Afta yuh sen di application, Chinese citizens ago get an e-visa approval letter via email widin 3 working days. Dem can den print out di letta an present it at di immigration checkpoint wen dem reach Vietnam, along wid dem passport, fi get dem visa stamp.

Di benefits a choosing Vietnam visa online fi Chinese citizens

Applying fi a Vietnam visa online offer several benefits fi Chinese citizens. Fi staat, it save dem time an effort fram haffi visit di Vietnamese embassy or consulate. Dis is especially helpful fi dem who live far fram dem offices yah. Dem can simply apply fi dem visa fram dem yaad or office, mek di process more convenient an efficient.

Additionally, di Vietnam e-Visa valid fi up to 90 days wid single or multiple entries, giving Chinese citizens di flexibility fi plan dem trip accordingly. Di visa is also available fi both business an tourism purposes, so visitors can choose di most suitable option fi dem trip.

Moreover, deh have 13 airports, 16 land border gates, an 13 sea border gates weh allow Vietnam e-visa holders fi conveniently enter an exit di country. Dis mean seh Chinese citizens have more options fi dem travel itinerary an can explore different parts a Vietnam widout any hassle.

How much it cost fi Chinese citizens fi get a visa to Vietnam?

Di Vietnam visa fees fi Chinese citizens can vary depending pan di purpose a dem visit an di type a visa dem need. However, fi dem weh a apply fi a Vietnam visa online fram di govament website, di fees dem fix an dem a as follows:

  • It cost US$25 fi a single-entry visa, valid fi up to 30 days.
  • It cost US$50 fi a multiple-entry visa, valid fi up to 30 days.
  • It cost US$25 fi a single-entry visa, valid fi up to 90 days.
  • It cost US$50 fi a multiple-entry visa, valid fi up to 90 days.

It’s important fi note seh dem fees yah can change, so it’s advisable fi verify di current rates before yuh submit yuh application. Also, keep inna mind seh dem fees yah a fi di visa application process only an dem nuh include no additional charges weh may be incurred, such as service fees fram an agent or di cost a travel to an fram di embassy.

Explain weh a single-entry visas an multiple-entry visas to Chinese citizens.

Now, yuh maita a wanda weh di difference is between a single-entry an multiple-entry visa. A single-entry visa allow yuh fi enter Vietnam once an stay fi di designated period a time, whereas a multiple-entry visa allow yuh fi enter an exit Vietnam multiple times widin di designated period. Fi egzampl, if yuh have a single-entry visa valid fi 90 days, yuh can enter Vietnam once an stay fi up to 90 days. However, if yuh have a multiple-entry visa valid fi 90 days, yuh can enter an exit Vietnam multiple times widin 90 days.

Fi Chinese citizens weh a plan fi visit Vietnam fi a shaat period, a single-entry visa maita be sufficient. However, if yuh plan fi lef an re-enter Vietnam during yuh trip, a multiple-entry visa may be more suitable. It’s important fi carefully consider yuh travel plans an choose di type a visa weh bes suit yuh needs fi avoid any complications during yuh trip.

Vietnam e-visa refund policy fi Chinese citizens if di visa application get denied?

Unfortunately, no refund policy nuh deh fi di Vietnam visa fee if yuh application get denied. Di fees fi di Vietnam visa online fram di govament website a non-refundable in any case. Dis is why it’s crucial fi mek sure seh all yuh documents dem inna order an dat yuh meet di eligibility criteria before yuh submit yuh application. Any errors or missing information inna yuh application can result inna a denial an di loss a yuh visa fee.

Di fee is higher if yuh mek yuh visa application thru an agent

It worth noting seh di Vietnam visa fee ago be higher if yuh choose fi mek yuh application chruu an agent. Agents charge a service fee pan top a di government visa fee, weh can vary depending pan di agent. While using an agent may save yuh time an effort, it’s important fi consider di additional cost an decide if it’s worth it fi yuh.

Vietnam visa online fi Chinese citizens: Government website versus reputable agents

Wen it come to getting a Vietnam visa online, deh have two options – applying through di government website or through a reputable agent – it can be confusing fi decide which one is di better choice. Wi ago explore di pros an cons a each option fi help Chinese citizens mek an informed decision wen it come to getting dem Vietnam visa.

Govament websait: Du it yuself

Di govament website offer a lower fee fi visa applications, mek it an attractive option fi budget-conscious travelers. However, it shuda be noted dat dis lower fee nuh include no support or assistance fram di government. Dis mean seh Chinese citizens ago haffi navigate di visa application process pan dem own, weh can be quite daunting an time-consuming.

Reputable agents: An easy experience

Pan di ada han, reputable agents charge higher fees fi dem visa services. However, weh Chinese citizens get in return is an easy an smooth visa application experience. Dem agent yah have years a experience an expertise inna handling visa applications, an dem know exactly how fi get yuh application approved. Moreover, dem offer prompt online support in case yuh have any questions or concerns.

Expedited services fi urgent visas

One major advantage a choosing a reputable agent fi yuh Vietnam visa is di option fi expedite yuh application in case a urgent travel plans. Dis mean seh if yuh need yuh visa urgently, dem agent yah have di resources an connections fi speed up di process an mek sure seh yuh get yuh visa pan time. Dis can be a lifesaver fi Chinese citizens who need fi travel to Vietnam at short notice.

Assistance on arrival

Wan neks perk a yuuz a reputable agent fi yuh Vietnam visa a di assistance dem provide wen yuh reach di immigration counter. Dis service is especially useful fi first-time travellers to Vietnam, as it can be overwhelming fi navigate di immigration process inna a foreign country. Di agent ago help speed up di immigration clearance process fi avoid long queues, so yuh can staat yuh vacation widout any delays.

Airport pick-up an transfer services

In addition to assistance on arrival, reputable agents also offer airport pick-up and transfer services to Chinese citizens. Dis mean seh wen yuh reach, yuh wi have a designated driver weh a wait fi yuh at di airport weh ago tek yuh directly to yuh hotel. Dis eliminate di hassle a find transportation an gi yuh a more comfortable an stress-free staat to yuh trip.

Di verdict: Weh fi choose?

Afta yuh consider di pros an cons a both options, di verdict clear – fi Chinese citizens, using a reputable agent fi dem Vietnam visa a di better choice. While di government website may seem like a more affordable option, di added benefits an convenience a using a reputable agent mek it worth di extra cost. Plus, wid dem years a experience an expertise, yuh can be assured seh yuh visa application ago be handled carefully an efficiently.

How long it tek fi Chinese citizens get visa approval?

Di processing time fi a Vietnam visa fi Chinese citizens typically tek 3-5 working days. However, it’s important fi note seh dis timeframe maita be extended during peak seasons. Dis is why it’s highly recommended fi staat yuh visa application process at least a week before yuh intended travel date fi avoid any delays or complications.

Additionally, it’s important fi be aware a di holidays dem weh di Immigration of Vietnam observe. Dem no work pan Saturdays, Sundays, Traditional Day of Vietnam People’s Public Security Force (August 19), an national holidays. Dis mean seh if yuh intended travel date fall pan any a dem days yah, yuh may need fi plan accordingly an apply fi yuh visa earlier.

Weh a di national holidays dem inna Vietnam fi note fi Chinese citizens?

As mentioned earlier, di Immigration of Vietnam nuh work pan certain holidays. Yahso a one checklist a di national holidays dem inna Vietnam weh Chinese citizens need fi tek note a:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Tet Holiday (dates vary depending pan di lunar calendar but usually fall inna January or February)
  • Hung Kings Commemoration Day (10th day a di third lunar month)
  • Reunification Day (April 30)
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • National Day (September 2)

It important fi keep dem holidays yah inna yuh mind wen yuh a plan yuh trip to Vietnam. If yuh need fi get a visa during dem holidays yah, it’s best fi contact a reputable agent fi consulting an quoting. Dis wi mek sure seh yuh visa application get process efficiently an yuh can still travel to Vietnam pan yuh intended date.

How fi get an urgently visa to Vietnam fi Chinese citizens?

In case a urgent travel plans, Chinese citizens can also get an expedited visa to Vietnam through an agent. Dem agents yah have options fi expedited visas, wid processing times a 4 hours, 2 hours, or even pan di same day. Dis service come in handy fi dem who need fi travel to Vietnam urgently an cyaan wait fi di standard processing time.

Fi get wan urgent visa to Vietnam, Chinese citizens can follow dem steps yah:

  • Contact an agent: Di fos step is fi contact an agent fi a Vietnam visa online an inform dem bout yuh urgent travel plans. Dem ago guide yuh chruu di process an provide yuh wid all di necessary information.
  • Pay di extra fee: As expedited visas require extra resources an effort fram di agent, dem charge an additional fee fi dis service. Chinese citizens haffi be willing fi pay dis extra fee fi di convenience fi get an urgent visa.
  • Submit di required documents: Chinese citizens haffi submit all di necessary documents as per di visa category, along wid di expedited fee receipt. Di agent ago den process di application pan di same day, 4 hours, or 2 hours, depending pan di option weh yuh choose.
  • Receive yuh urgent visa: Wen yuh urgent visa get process, di agent ago sen it to yuh via email. Yuh can den print it out an use it fi yuh travel to Vietnam.

Weh Chinese citizens need fi prepare fi a Vietnam visa online application?

Fi successfully apply fi a Vietnam visa online, Chinese citizens haffi prepare di following documents an information:

  • Valid passport wid at least 6 months a validity an 2 blank pages: Yuh passport haffi be valid fi at least 6 months fram yuh intended date a entry inna Vietnam. It shuda have at least 2 blank pages fi di visa stamp.
  • Personal information: Yuh wi need fi provide yuh full name, gender, date a birth, place a birth, passport numba, an nationality. Mek sure all di information accurate an match di details pan yuh passport.
  • Valid email address: Yuh wi get yuh visa approval letter an ada important notifications thru email, so mek sure yuh provide a valid email address weh yuh check regularly.
  • Valid credit/debit card: Di Vietnam e-visa system accept various payment methods, including Visa, Master, JCB, Diner Club, Amex, Union Pay, an more. Mek sure yuh card valid an have enough funds fi cover di visa fee.
  • Temporary address widin Vietnam: Yuh wi need fi provide di address a yuh plan hotel or accommodation inna Vietnam. Dis a one mandatory requirement, so mek sure yuh have yuh accommodation booked before yuh staat di visa application process.
  • Purpose of visit: Chinese citizens can visit Vietnam fi various purposes such as tourism, work, business, or study. Mek sure yuh specify di purpose a yuh visit inna di application form.
  • Entry an exit dates: Yuh wi need fi provide yuh planned entry an exit dates inna Vietnam. Mek sure yuh have a clear travel itinerary before yuh fill out di application form.
  • Intended entry an exit points: Chinese citizens can enter Vietnam through various ports, including airports, land borders, and seaports. Yuh wi need fi specify yuh intended entry an exit points inna di application form.
  • Current occupation: Lastly, yuh wi need fi provide yuh current occupation, including di name an address a yuh company an di phone numba. Dis a one requirement fi di visa application, so mek sure yuh have dis information ready.

Weh Chinese citizens need fi upload fi di Vietnam visa online application?

Fi apply fi a Vietnam visa online, Chinese citizens haffi upload 2 important documents: a scanned copy a dem passport data page an a recent portrait photo. Dem documents yah crucial as dem verify di information weh dem provide inna di visa application form an mek sure di applicant’s authenticity.

Requirements fi di scanned copy a di passport data page

Di scanned copy a di passport data page a one essential document fi di Vietnam visa online application. It have all di personal details a di applicant, including dem photo, full name, date a birth, an passport numba. Dis a di specific requirements fi di scanned copy:

  • Readable an clear: Di scanned copy a di passport data page haffi be legible an clear. Dis mean seh all di information haffi be visible an nuh blur. In case a any illegible or blurred sections, di application may be rejected.
  • Full page: Di scan copy haffi include di entire passport data page. Dis include di personal details page, signature page, an any ada pages wid important information. Mek sure seh no edges or corners a di page no cut off.
  • ICAO Lines: Di International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) set specific guidelines fi passport photos. Dem guidelines deh include di size, background color, an facial expressions. Di scanned copy a di passport data page haffi include di ICAO lines, weh dem use fi verify di authenticity a di photo.
  • File format: Di scanned copy haffi deh inna PDF, JPEG, or JPG format. Dis a di ongl accepted file formats fi easy submission an processing a di application.

Portrait photo requirements fi Vietnam visa online

Apart fram di scanned copy a di passport data page, Chinese citizens dem haffi upload a recent portrait photo. Dis photo serve as a verification a di applicant’s identity an haffi meet di following requirements:

  • Real an current: Di portrait photo mus be a recent one, tek widin di last 6 months. Dis is fi mek sure seh di applicant’s appearance match dem current look an prevent any identity fraud.
  • Match wid di passport: Di applicant face inna di portrait photo haffi match wid di one inna di passport. Dis is fi mek sure seh di person weh a apply fi di visa a di same as di one inna di passport.
  • Straight an no glasses: Di applicant fi look straight inna di camera an no wear glasses. Dis is fi avoid any glare or obstruction a di face inna di photo.
  • Size an background: Di portrait photo haffi be inna passport size, weh a 4x6cm. It shuda have a white or light-colored background, wid di applicant face a tek up 70-80% a di photo.

How fi apply fi a Vietnam visa online fi Chinese citizens?

Now dat yuh have all di necessary documents an information, a time fi apply fi yuh Vietnam visa online. Follow dem simple steps yah fi get yuh Vietnam e-visa:

  • Step 1: Go to di official website a di Vietnam e-visa system an click pan “Apply fi e-visa”.
  • Step 2: Fill out di application form wid yuh personal information, purpose a visit, entry an exit dates, an intended entry an exit points.
  • Step 3: Upload a scanned copy a yuh passport an a recent passport-sized photo.
  • Step 4: Pay di visa fee using yuh credit/debit card.
  • Step 5: Wait fi di confirmation email an yuh e-visa approval letter. Dis usually tek 2-3 working days, but inna some cases, it can tek up to 5 working days.
  • Step 6: Print out yuh e-visa approval letter an bring it wid yuh wen yuh travel to Vietnam.
  • Step 7: Wen yuh reach di designated port a entry, present yuh e-visa approval letter, passport, an other necessary documents to di immigration officer. Wen everyting don verify, yuh wi get yuh Vietnam e-visa stamp an can enter di country.

Extra documents may be required fi non-tourism purposes

While Chinese citizens weh a visit Vietnam fi tourism purposes only need fi apply fi a Vietnam e-visa, dem who a travel fi ada purposes, such as business, working, or studying, may need additional documents fi prove dem purpose a visit. It’s important fi check wid di relevant authorities or yuh employer/school fi mek sure yuh have all di necessary documents before yuh apply fi a Vietnam visa online.

Enter Vietnam thru di designated port of entry

Lastly, it’s important fi note seh Chinese citizens haffi enter Vietnam thru di designated port of entry specified inna dem e-visa approval letter. Dis mean seh if yuh apply fi an e-visa fi enter Vietnam thru a lan border, yuh cyaan enter thru an airport or seaport. If yuh no comply wid dis regulation, it maita result inna denial a entry to Vietnam.

How fi check Vietnam e-visa status fi Chinese citizens?

Afta yuh submit di online visa application an upload all di necessary documents, Chinese citizens can track di status a dem Vietnam e-visa. Dis a how fi do it:

  • Visit di official website a di Vietnam Immigration Department.
  • Click pan di “Check Status” tab pan di homepage.
  • Enter di application code an email address weh yuh use during di application process.
  • Click pan “Search” fi view di status a yuh e-visa.

In case a any delays or issues wid di application, di status ago be updated accordingly. It is advisable fi check di status regularly fi mek sure a smooth application process.

Weh fi do fi Chinese citizens fi increase di success rate a di visa applications?

Yuh did know seh not all visa applications are approved by di Vietnamese government? Di officers dem have dem own set a rules an criteria fi evaluate an decide weda fi approve or reject a visa application. Dis can be a frustrating an uncertain process, especially fi dem inna a rush or unfamiliar wid di process.

But no bada worry, yuh have a solution weh can mek sure yuh Vietnam visa get easy an guaranteed approval. Fi increase di chances a yuh visa application get approved, yahso a some tips weh Chinese citizens can follow:

Provide accurate an complete information:

One a di common reasons fi visa rejections is incomplete or incorrect information pan di application form. Chinese citizens haffi mek sure seh all di information weh dem provide is accurate an match di documents dem weh dem submit. Any discrepancies can lead to di rejection a di application. Wen yuh use an agent, yuh can rest assured seh all yuh information ago be thoroughly check an verified before yuh submit di application.

Submit all necessary documents:

Wan neks critical factor weh can affect di success rate a yuh visa application is di submission a all required documents. Chinese citizens haffi andastan di specific document requirements fi dem visa category an mek sure seh dem submit dem inna di correct format. An agent can help yuh wid dis by providing a list a necessary documents an mek sure seh dem properly formatted before yuh submit dem.

Apply well in advance:

It is essential fi apply fi yuh Vietnam visa well in advance fi avoid any last-minute rush or delays. Dis wi gi yuh enough time fi complete di necessary formalities an provide any additional documents if yuh need. Applying early also increase di chances fi get an appointment fi an interview (if needed) at di embassy.

Use an agent fi a Vietnam visa online:

Di bes way fi increase di success rate a yuh visa application is by using an agent fi Vietnam visa online. Dem agents yah have years a experience inna handling visa applications an know di local rules an regulations. Dem ago guide yuh chruu di entire process, fram fill out di application form to submit di required documents, ensuring seh everyting deh inna order fi a successful application.

Is deh any way fi Chinese citizens get a visa to Vietnam easy, on time, an wid guaranteed approval?

Now, yuh mosi a wanda – is any way deh fi Chinese citizens get a visa to Vietnam easy, on time, an wid guaranteed approval? Di ansa a yes! Wen yuh use an agent fi yuh Vietnam visa online, yuh can get all dem benefits yah an more.

  • Simple form: Di fos step fi apply fi a visa is fill out di application form. Dis can be a confusing an time-consuming process, especially if yuh no familiar wid di Vietnamese language. However, wen yuh hire an agent, dem wi provide yuh wid a simple form weh easy fi undastan an fill out. Dis mek sure seh yuh application nuh have error an have a higher chance fi get approval.
  • Easy-to-upload documents: Along wid di application form, yuh need fi submit certain documents such as yuh passport, travel itinerary, an proof a accommodation. Gathering an organizing dem documents yah can be a daunting task. But wid di help a one agent, yuh can easily upload dem documents yah pan dem website, mek di whole process quick an convenient.
  • Friendly support: Applying fi a visa can be a stressful experience, especially if yuh a do it fi di first time. Inna dem deh case deh, having somebody fi guide an assist yuh can mek a world a difference. Hiring an agent fi yuh Vietnam visa online mek sure seh yuh have access to friendly an helpful support staff weh can ansa all yuh queries an provide yuh wid di necessary guidance.
  • Easy experience: By hiring an agent, yuh essentially a outsourcing di entire visa application process. Dis mean yuh no haffi worry bout andastan di rules an criteria dem weh di Vietnamese govament set. Di agent tek kier a everyting fi yuh, mek di whole experience easy an stress-free.
  • 99.9% successful rate: One a di biggest advantages a use an agent fi yuh Vietnam visa application is dem high success rate. As dem well-versed inna di local rules an regulations, dem know exactly weh need fi do fi mek sure di approval a yuh visa application. Dis gi yuh peace a mind an save yuh fram di uncertainty a weda yuh application ago get approved or rejected.

Weh fi do fi Chinese citizens afta dem get visa approval?

Afta yuh get yuh visa, yuh have a few important tings weh Chinese citizens need fi do fi mek sure dem reach Vietnam smooth. Yahso a one checklist fi guide yuh:

  • Double-check yuh visa: Fos an fos, it’s crucial fi double-check yuh visa fi mek sure seh no errors or mistakes nuh deh. Any incorrect information pan yuh visa can cause trouble wen yuh reach, so it’s important fi catch an correct any mistakes before yuh trip.
  • Print a copy a yuh visa: It’s important fi print a copy a yuh visa an keep it wid yuh at all times during yuh trip. Yuh wi haffi show it wen yuh reach Vietnam, so mek sure yuh have a physical copy at han.
  • Familiarize yuhself wid entry requirements: Before yuh traveling to Vietnam, Chinese citizens shuda also familiarize demself wid di entry requirements set by di Vietnamese government. Dis include having a valid passport wid at least 6 months a validity remaining, a return or onward ticket, an sufficient funds fi cover yuh stay inna Vietnam.
  • Prepare yuh documents: Aside fram yuh visa, it’s important fi have all di necessary documents ready fi yuh trip to Vietnam. Dis maita inkluud yuh hotel reservations, travel itinerary, an travel insurance, mongx adaz. It’s also advisable fi have a photocopy a yuh passport an visa in case a any emergencies.
  • Plan yuh transportation fram di airport: Lastly, mek sure yuh plan yuh transportation fram di airport to yuh accommodation inna Vietnam. Yuh can arrange fi an airport pick-up service or pre-book a taxi fi avoid any scams or overcharging.

Frequently ask questions fi Chinese citizens who apply Vietnam e-visa through di government website

1. Mi departure date a come soon, but mi Vietnam e-visa status still nuh approved. Weh mi fi do?

Unfortunately, deh have instances weh Chinese citizens did apply fi dem e-visa an dem lef a wait fi dem status fi be process close to dem departure date. Dis can be a stressful situation, especially if di departure date a fast approach.

Inna dis case, we suggest seh Chinese citizens contact a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi support. Demya agent yah have a direct line a communication wid di Vietnam Immigration Department an dem can help expedite di processing a yuh e-visa. However, do keep in mind seh yuh may be an additional charge fi dis service.

2. How mi can correct di invalid information pan mi e-visa application?

Mistakes can happen, an if yuh accidentally provide incorrect information pan yuh e-visa application, don’t panic. Di fos ting fi do is fi contact di agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi assistance.

Dem wi able fi guide yuh pan di steps dem fi tek fi correct di information. However, do keep in mind seh yuh may be a charge fi dis service, an it may tek some time fi process di changes.

3. Mi submit mi e-visa application thru di government website, an now mi waan edit it. Yuh have a way fi edit mi e-visa application?

Similar to correcting invalid information, if yuh waan mek changes to yuh e-visa application, yuh wi need fi contact a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi support.

Dem wi able fi guide yuh pan how fi edit yuh application an provide yuh wid di necessary steps fi do so. However, do keep in mind seh yuh may be a charge fi dis service, an it may tek some time fi process di changes.

4. Wat if mi waan arrive earlier dan di arrival date weh seh pan mi e-visa application?

It is essential fi pay attention to di arrival date weh seh pan yuh e-visa application. If yuh happen fi arrive in Vietnam earlier dan di stated date, yuh may face issues at di immigration checkpoint.

Inna dis case, we suggest seh Chinese citizens contact a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi assistance. Dem wi able fi guide yuh pan how fi change di arrival date pan yuh e-visa, an yuh may be a charge fi dis service.

5. Mi submit mi e-visa application thru di government website, an now mi waan change di entry port. Weh mi fi do now?

Somtaim, plans change, an yuh mait need fi enter Vietnam chruu a different port dan di one weh seh pan yuh e-visa application. Inna dis case, yuh wi need fi contact a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi assistance.

Dem wi able fi guide yuh pan di steps dem fi tek fi change di entry port pan yuh e-visa. However, do keep in mind seh yuh may be a charge fi dis service, an it may tek some time fi process di changes.

6. Mi submit mi e-visa application thru di government website, an now mi waan amend di information. Weh mi fi do now?

If yuh realize seh yuh need fi amend information pan yuh e-visa application afta yuh submit it thru di government website, di first ting fi do is fi contact a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi support.

Dem wi be able fi guide yuh pan di steps fi tek an provide yuh wid di necessary documents fi amend di information. However, do keep in mind seh yuh may be a charge fi dis service, an it may tek some time fi process di changes.


Chinese citizens can increase di success rate a dem Vietnam visa applications by using an agent fi Vietnam visa online. Dis naa go ongl mek shuor se yu get apruoval iizi an gien, bot it wi siev taim an efot tu. In case a urgent travel plans, dem agents yah have options fi expedited visas, mek it easier fi Chinese citizens fi get a visa to Vietnam. So, no mek di uncertainty an frustration a di visa process hold yuh back fram exploring di beautiful country a Vietnam. Hire an agent an enjoy a stress-free an smooth travel experience.


Applying fi a Vietnam e-visa thru di government website can be a convenient an easy process. However, if yuh encounter any issues or need fi mek changes to yuh application, it is best fi seek assistance fram a reputable agent or email info@vietnamimmigration.org fi support. While it may be charges involved, it will mek sure a smoother an stress-free travel experience fi Chinese citizens. So, no mek no likl setbacks discourage yuh fram explore di beauty a Vietnam.


Nama kebuah Vietnam nyadi palan ti enda tau enda dilawa peranak menua China Vietnam mayuh utai ulih diberi ngagai temuai iya. Menua tu likun sereta manah, enggau tikas jenayah ke baruh, nyadika palan ke manah endur orang ke bejalai kediri, diri sebilik, enggau raban.

Warom Vietnã is een mus-pesuuch-reis fer ti xinesixe mënxe Vietnã hot fiil se tuun mit sayn pesuucher. Es is en sicher un froyntlich lant, mit en nikel kriminaliteet, was en ideaal plats macht fer solo reese, familye un krupe.

Zeicahdah Vietnam cu Tuluk rammi hna caah tlawn hrimhrim dingmi hmun a si Vietnam nih a khual pawl caah pek ding tampi a ngei. A himmi le hawikomhnak a ngeimi ram a si, sualnak a tlawm caah, amah lawng khualtlawngmi, chungkhar le phu hna caah kalnak hmun tha taktak a si.

Nɔ hewɔ ni Vietnam ji he ko ni esa akɛ China maŋbii ayasara lɛ Vietnam yɛ nibii babaoo ni ekɛbaahã mɛi ni baa jɛmɛ lɛ. Eji maŋ ni yɔɔ shweshweeshwe kɛ naanyobɔɔ su, ni awuiyeli faaa yɛ jɛmɛ, ni no haa efeɔ he ko ni hi jogbaŋŋ kɛha gbɛfalɔi komekomei, wekui, kɛ kui.

Ko waɗi leydi Vietnam ko leydi ndi ɓiɓɓe leydi Siin poti yahde Vietnam ina jogii ko heewi ko ina rokka hoɗɓe mum. Ko leydi kisal e sehilaagal, ndi ŋakkeende bonanndeeji, ko ɗum waɗi ndi ko nokku moƴƴo wonande yahooɓe tan, ɓesnguuji, e pelle.

Xiñee Vietnam nga ti lugar ra naquiiñeʼ cheʼ ca binni de China Vietnam napa stale cosa ni zanda gudii ca binni ni riganna laa. Nabé seguru ne nachaʼhuiʼ guidxi riʼ, huaxiéʼ binni runi cosa malu, nga runi galán cheʼ binni raqué para cheʼ stubi, familia ne grupu.

Parcè che il Vietnam al è une destinazion di visitâ pai citadins cinês Il Vietnam al à une vore di ufrî ai siei visitadôrs. Al è un paîs sigûr e cordiâl, cuntun bas tas di criminalitât, che al rint une destinazion ideâl par viazadôrs di solit, fameis e grups.

Ba’axten Vietname’ jump’éel kúuchil k’a’abéet u xíimbalta’al tumen u kajnáalilo’ob China Vietname’ yaan ya’ab ba’ax je’el u páajtal u ts’áaik ti’ u xíimbalo’ob. Leti’ jump’éel lu’uma’ seguro yéetel amigable, yéetel jump’éel baja tasa crimen, ku beetik jump’éel destino ideal utia’al u viajeros chéen, familias, yéetel múuch’.