Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bahamas 🇧🇸? Unfortunately, there is currently no Vietnam embassy or Consulate is opened in Bahamas. You are suggested to check your neighbouring countries to find the nearest Vietnam Embassy/Consulate to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bahrain 🇧🇭? We regret to announce you that there has been no embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Bahrain until now. You are recommended to contact the nearest Vietnam Embassies in any of your neighbouring countries.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bangladesh 🇧🇩? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in Dhaka, Bangladesh Address: Vintage Building, Plot 07, Road 104, Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Telephone : (80-02) 885 4051  or 885 4052 Fax : (80-02) 885 4051 Email : Website: http://vnembassy-dhaka.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Barbados 🇧🇧? We regret to let you know that there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate located in Barbados at the present. Please contact to the Vietnam Embassies/Consulates in another countries where you find closest and most convenient for you to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Belarus 🇧🇾? Please see below information of Vietnam Embassy in Minsk, Belarus Address: Belarus, Minsk 220040, Mozaiskogo street, house # 3 Code: 00375 17 Telephone/ fax: 237 48 79 Email: dsqvn.belarus@mofa.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Belgium 🇧🇪? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in Brussels, Belgium Address: Boulevard Général Jacques 1, 1050 Brussels, Belgium 🇧🇪 Telephone: 32 (0)2. 379 27 37 ; Fax: 32 (0)2.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Belize 🇧🇿? Until now, no Embassy or consulate of Vietnam has been established in Belize. You are kindly suggested to contact the nearest Vietnam embassy or consulate in one of your neighbouring countries.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Benin 🇧🇯? We regret to inform you that there has been no embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Benin so far. You can contact to the nearest Vietnam Embassies in any of your neighbouring countries.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bermuda 🇧🇲? At the present, no Vietnam embassy or Consulate is opened in Bermuda. Please check your neighbouring countries to find the nearest Vietnam Embassy/Consulate to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Bhutan 🇧🇹? Until now, there has been no Vietnam Embassy/Consulate located in Bhutan so please contact to the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in any country that is closet and most convenient for you to apply for your visa to Vietnam. We should be grateful for any further information

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