Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Palestine 🇵🇸? Please be kindly informed that there has been no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Palestine at this moment. You can come in person or contact by mail to any country which has a Vietnam Embassy/Consulate that is nearest and most convenient for you.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Panama 🇵🇦? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in Panama : Address: Edificio St Georges Bank, Piso 2, Local 1, Entre Calle 50 y 53, Panama. 🇵🇦 Telephone :  264 2551 Fax :  265 6056 Code : 00-507 Email:  embavinapa@cwpanama.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬? Currently, there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Papua New Guinea. We are pleased to inform that we will post their information on our website as soon as we have any trustful information about them.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Paraguay 🇵🇾? Until now, there is no Vietnam Embassy/Consulate located in Paraguay so please contact to the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in any country that is nearest and most convenient for you to apply for your visa to Vietnam. We always try our best to give you up-to-the-minute

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Peru 🇵🇪? Unfortunately, there has been no Vietnam embassy or Consulate located in Peru so far. Please check your neighboring countries to find the nearest Vietnam Embassy/ Consulate to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Philippines 🇵🇭? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in the Philippines Address: 670 Pablo Ocampo St. (formerly Vito Cruz), Malate, Manila, the Philippines 🇵🇭  Telephone: + (632) 5216843  Fax: + (632) 5260472  E-mail: vnembph@yahoo.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Pitcairn 🇵🇳? We regret to let you know that there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate located in Pitcairn Island at this moment. Please contact to the Vietnam Embassies/Consulates in other countries where you find closest and most convenient for you to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Poland 🇵🇱? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in Poland Address: ul. Resorowa 36, 02-956 Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱 Code: 0048 – 22 Telephone:  651 60 98 Fax: 651 60 95 Reception: 6516098/ext.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Polynesia 🇵🇫? We regret to let you know that there is currently no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate located in French Polynesia . Please contact to the Vietnam Embassies/Consulates in other countries that is closest and most convenient for you to contact.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷? We are sorry to inform you that you cannot obtain your Vietnam visa from a Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in Puerto Rico since there is no Vietnam representative office opened in this country. You can come in person or contact to any Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in other

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