June 23, 2021
Visa Extension

How to Hire an Agent for your Visa Extension in Long An City

Foreigners who wanted to avail themselves of the visa extension service in Long An City should consider hiring an agent to enjoy faster and more convenient service. When you hire an agent, you will only need to fill out the application form and submit the requirements. It will be the agent who will go to the Immigration Office in Long An City and facilitate the processing of the visa extension on your behalf. With their help, you don’t need to go through the hassles of traveling and showing up in the Immigration Office in person.

In case you are wondering what a visa extension is and how you can hire an agent that can process this on your behalf, then use this article as your guide.

What is a Visa Extension?

How to Hire an Agent for your Visa Extension in Long An

So what is a visa extension, you may ask? Visa extension is the process of extending the validity of your Vietnamese visa. By extending the validity of your visa, you would be able to stay longer in Vietnam and live in Long An City for a much longer time. Vietnam visas have expiry dates. For instance, most tourist visas are only valid for 30 days. But this will not be enough to fully explore Vietnam. In this case, you should apply for a visa extension. That way, you can continue to stay in Vietnam using the same visa.

The visa extension service can be availed directly from the Vietnam Immigration Office in Long An City. However, a much easier way of getting your visa extended is to hire an agent. The agent will deal with all the complexities involved in getting your visa extended. With the agent’s help, you don’t need to go to the Immigration Office to process the extension. All you will do is to send in your passport and visa copy then fill out the application form.

Of course, this comes with added fees, but this cost is very minimal compared to what you will be paying if you get caught overstaying your visa.

How To Hire an Agent for your Visa Extension in Long An City

Do some search to  to Hire an Agent for your Visa Extension in Long An

So how do you hire an agent for your visa extension in Long An City? It’s simple! Here’s how:

👉 First, connect to the internet and do your search. You will find lots of agents that offer assistance for Vietnam visa extensions online. These agents have websites where you will find more information about them. Their websites also provide information about applying for a visa extension in Vietnam. Take time to read this, as this will surely be very useful.

👉 Second, get in touch with the agent that you have chosen. Make sure you choose an agent who has been in the business for many years. That way, you can be sure that they know exactly what they are doing. When you encounter issues in getting your visa extended, the agent would be able to resolve these issues and avoid delays.

👉 Third, the agent will ask you to send a copy of your passport so they can evaluate if you are eligible for a visa extension and to determine what requirements are needed from you. To start with your application, the agent will ask you to fill out the application form and submit the requirements.

Finally, the agent will call you within a week to inform you that your visa extension has already been approved. They will send your passport back to you via a courier service. When you receive your passport, check to find out the new validity of your visa.

Benefits of Hiring an Agent for Your Visa Extension in Long An City.

You may be required to hire an agent for your visa to be extended in Long An City, but you can greatly benefit from the agent’s knowledge and expertise in handling your visa extension application. The agent will make sure that your extension request will be approved with no delays. If there are any issues concerning your visa application, such as when the Immigration Department will require additional requirements, the agent will be quick to resolve these and will help you to acquire whatever requirements will be needed.

For foreigners whose visas are expiring in a few days, then hiring an agent is even more recommended. The agent can request for your application to be prioritized. That way, any delays will be avoided and you will not be charged for any penalties for using an expired visa while in Long An.

So as you can see, there are plenty of benefits that come with using the services of an agent in getting your visa extended in Long An City. Even though this comes with extra fees, it will certainly be worth it.

Email for support : info@vietnamvisa.cheap

TAGS Long An

The Vietnam visa extension service for foreigners in Long An City is a very feasible option for those foreigners who wanted to stay longer in Long An City but do not want to apply for a new visa. With the visa extension service, the validity of your visa will be extended.

One of the issues that foreigners in Vietnam have to deal with is their expiring visas. It can be such a hassle, especially if you do not have any intentions to leave the country yet.

Long An City is a great city to live for ex-pats in Vietnam. It’s located in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta region and is known for its very laidback feel.

Education and Training Department of Long An Province Address : 411 National Highway 1, Binh Quan Group, Ward 4, Tan An City, Long An Province Phone : (0272) 3826 394 Fax : (0272) 3832 144 Email : Vanphong.SoLongAn@moet.

Sở Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo (GD&ĐT) tỉnh Long An Địa chỉ : số 411 Quốc lộ 1, khu phố Bình Quân, phường 4, thành phố Tân An, tỉnh Long An Điện thoại : (0272) 3826 394 Fax : (0272) 3832 144 Email : Vanphong.SoLongAn@moet.

Construction Department of Long An Province Address : 19 Tran Hung Dao Street, Ward 1, Tan An City, Long An Province Phone : (0272) 3826 169 ​ Fax : (0272) 3824 746 ​ Email : sxd@longan.gov.

Sở Xây Dựng tỉnh Long An Địa chỉ : số 19 đường Trần Hưng Đạo, phường 1​, thành phố Tân An, tỉnh Long An Điện thoại : (0272) 3826 169 ​ Fax : (0272) 3824 746 ​ Email : sxd@longan.gov.

Health Department Of Long An Province​ Address : 70 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 1, Tan An City, Long An Province​ Phone : (0272) ​​3826 407 | 3829 050 ​ Fax : (0272) 3824 161 | 3829 050 ​ Email : syt@longan.gov.

Sở Y Tế Long An
May 24, 2021

Sở Y Tế (SYT) tỉnh Long An Địa chỉ : số 70 đường Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, phường 1, thành phố Tân An, tỉnh Long An ​ Điện thoại : (0272) ​​3826 407 | 3829 050 ​ Fax : (0272) 3824 161 | 3829 050 ​ Email : syt@longan.gov.