May 9, 2021

Embassy of Palestine in Da Nang City, Vietnam

There is NO Embassy of Palestine in Da Nang City, Vietnam.

Do you want to find the Embassy of Palestine in Hanoi instead ?

Embassy of Palestine in Da Nang

  • Chancery of the Embassy : N/A
  • Phone : N/A
  • Fax : N/A
  • Email : N/A
  • Website : N/A
  • Map : N/A
TAGS Palestine

Embassy of Palestine in Hanoi Address : Suite 201, E4B Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, 06 Dang Van Ngu Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Telephone: 024 38524013 | in Hanoi : 38524013 | outside Hanoi : 024 38524013 | outside Vietnam : 0084 24 38524013 Fax:024 35739149 E-mail: info@palestineembassy.

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Palestine 🇵🇸? Please be kindly informed that there has been no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Palestine at this moment. You can come in person or contact by mail to any country which has a Vietnam Embassy/Consulate that is nearest and most convenient for you.