April 26, 2021

Consulate of Uganda in Hanoi, Vietnam

Consulate of Uganda in Hanoi City, Vietnam

  • Address : N/A
  • Phone : N/A
  • Fax : N/A
  • Email : N/A
  • Website : N/A
  • Map : N/A

Do you want to find contact information of the Consulate of Uganda in Hanoi capital of Vietnam ?

We would like to inform there is NO Consulate of Uganda in Hanoi capital of Vietnam

Here is the nearest location of the Embassy of Uganda from Vietnam : Embassy of Uganda in Beijing, China.

TAGS Uganda

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Uganda 🇺🇬? Please find below for the address, phone, email, website, map & working time of the consulate of Vietnam in Kampala – Uganda: Vietnamese Consulate in Uganda Address : Plot 9 Portal Avenue, Kampala – Uganda Call: +256706262908/+256711888222 E-mail: info@vietnamconsulate-ug.org Website : http://vietnamconsulate-ug.

Vietnamese Consulate in Republic of Uganda 🇺🇬 Address : Plot 9 Portal Avenue, Kampala – Uganda 🇺🇬 Call: +256706262908/+256711888222 E-mail: info@vietnamconsulate-ug.org Website : http://vietnamconsulate-ug.