April 26, 2021

Consulate of Poland in Hanoi, Vietnam

Consulate of Poland in Hanoi City, Vietnam

  • Address : N/A
  • Phone : N/A
  • Fax : N/A
  • Email : N/A
  • Website : N/A
  • Map : N/A

Do you want to find contact information of the Consulate of Poland in Hanoi capital of Vietnam ?

We would like to inform there is NO Consulate of Poland in Hanoi capital of Vietnam

Do you want to find the Embassy of Poland in Hanoi instead ?

TAGS Poland

Embassy of Poland in Hanoi Address : 03 Chua Mot Cot Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi City, Vietnam. Phone : (024) 384 520 27 | in Hanoi : 384 520 27 | outside Hanoi : 024 384 520 27 | outside Vietnam : 0084 24 384 520 27 Fax: 024 382 369 14 Email: hanoi.

The information listed below is all it takes to fill in the form. Most of the information involves personal details, travel documents, specifications of the stay, and the bio-data page of the passport along with a photograph for verification.

What is Vietnam e-Visa? Vietnam e-visa for Polish citizens allows Poland nationals to visit Vietnam. Payment and delivery of the visa is done entirely online, and could take up to 3-4 days for approval.

Whether you are heading to Vietnam for travel, work, studies, or leisure; being a Polish citizen, you will have to apply for a visa to Vietnam. A single entry visa for tourism is the simplest form in which you can obtain a visa.

The most important advantage of the e-visa process is you will receive the E-visa within 3 working days. In case of a business meeting or if you need to travel for an emergency purpose then this procedure turns out to be the best way to get an e-visa.

Vietnam E-visa is granted by the Vietnam Immigration Department by looking at the increase in the number of tourists. The Vietnam e-visa for Polish has entered in the list of 80 countries.