Do you want to find contact information of the Consulate of Liechtenstein in Hanoi capital of Vietnam ?
We would like to inform there is NO Consulate of Liechtenstein in Hanoi capital of Vietnam
The standard processing time of the e-visa is 3-5 business days. But there are certain situations that the visa processing could be delayed.
The cost of the e-visa processing will vary greatly, depending on the processing time you have chosen. It will generally cost $25, but you could end up paying more if you will have it expedited.
One of the biggest advantages of Vietnam e-visa is that it’s so easy to apply. In fact, the entire process involves three easy steps: Access the website for the Vietnam e-visa application.
To be approved of the e-visa, you need to provide certain requirements. The requirements are similar to what you will submit when applying for a regular visa.