May 3, 2021

Consulate of Argentina in Da Nang City, Vietnam

Consulate of Argentina in Da Nang City

  • Address : N/A
  • Phone : N/A
  • Fax : N/A
  • Email : N/A
  • Website : N/A
  • Map : N/A

There is NO Consulate of Argentina in Da Nang City, Vietnam.

Do you want to find the Embassy of Argentina in Hanoi instead ?

TAGS Argentina

Embassy of Argentina in Hanoi, Vietnam Address: Sentinel Place, 41A Ly Thai To Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam. Phone : (024) 3831 5262 | in Hanoi – 3831 5262 | outside Hanoi – 024 3831 5262 | outside Vietnam – 00 8424 3831 5262 Website : http://vietnam.

After you make a payment, you will receive a registration code that you need to take note. This will be required later on when you need to check the status of your visa.

First, you need to go to the website for e-visas to fill out the application form. On this page, you’ll be asked to provide your email address.

Applying for the Vietnam e-visa for Argentine Passport Holders is very easy. You have to enter a few details only.

To apply for the Vietnam e-visa for Argentine passport holders, you will need a few documents and information. It is for your convenience that you should keep them close while applying for the e-visa.