The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in An Giang, drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 6701S – QL91 – Long Xuyen – An Giang Location : 67 national highway 91, Thoi Hoa hamlet,

The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC), drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 5001S – Tan Tao – HCMC Location : Lot 13, street 07, Tan Tao industrial

The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in Hanoi city, drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 2901S – Pham Van Dong – Hanoi Location : 454 Pham Van Dong street, Xuan Dinh ward, Tu

The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in Hai Phong city, drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 1501V – Hong Bang – Hai Phong Location : Km 90 national highway 5 (new), Cam Lo

The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in Da Nang city, drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 4301S – Hoang Van Thai – Da Nang city Location : 25 Hoang Van Thai street, Hoa

The following is list of Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Centers in Can Tho city, drivers can bring their vehicles there for registration and inspection. The address with google map as follows: Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection Center 6501S – Tra Noc – Can Tho Location : lot 19A2, Tra Noc 1 industrial park, Tra

Trung tâm đăng kiểm xe cơ giới (TTĐK XCG) 2102D – xã Nghĩa Lợi – TX Nghĩa Lộ – Yên Bái Địa chỉ : bản Nà Làng, xã Nghĩa Lợi, thị xã Nghĩa Lộ, tỉnh Yên Bái Điện thoại : (0216) 3870 989 Fax : (0216) 3872 989 Email : Website : http://dangkiemyenbai.

Trung tâm đăng kiểm xe cơ giới (TTĐK XCG) 2101S – đường Nguyễn Thái Học – TP Yên Bái Địa chỉ : số 72 đường Nguyễn Thái Học, phường Nguyễn Thái Học, thành phố Yên Bái, tỉnh Yên Bái Điện thoại : (0216) 3867 502 Fax : (0216) 3867 296 Email : Website :

Trung tâm đăng kiểm xe cơ giới (TTĐK XCG) 8804D – xã Hợp Thịnh – huyện Tam Dương – Vĩnh Phúc Địa chỉ : Km 40+500 quốc lộ 2A, xã Hợp Thịnh, huyện Tam Dương, tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc Điện thoại : 0982 076 666 Fax : N/A Email : N/A Website : N/A Bản đồ

Trung tâm đăng kiểm xe cơ giới (TTĐK XCG) 8803D – phố Chợ Lầm – huyện Yên Lạc – Vĩnh Phúc Địa chỉ : nút giao QL2 và đường Lê Hồng Phong, phố Chợ Lầm, xã Tam Hồng, huyện Yên Lạc, tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc. Điện thoại : (0211) 3850 668 Fax : (0211) 3836 368

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