Hassle-free, no embassy chasing-down
No passport send-off
Pick-up Visa on Arrival at airport
Apply For A Visa To Vietnam NowHassle-free, no embassy chasing-down
No passport send-off
Pick-up Visa on Arrival at airport
Apply For A Visa To Vietnam Now最近,我們的一位客戶特別拍攝了一段視頻,分享他在我們網站辦理簽證的真實體驗,並大力推薦我們的服務!👉 點擊觀看客戶推薦視頻 在視頻中,這位客戶分享了他的緊急情況:他已經在官方網站申請了簽證,但因個人信息填寫錯誤(姓氏欄位重複填寫)被要求更正。雖然他立即修正了信息,但簽證狀態仍顯示為「處理中」。當時他已經在機場,錯過了原定航班,只能改簽晚上的航班。他希望能在4小時內收到簽證,於是選擇了我們的加快電子簽服務(催簽),並在短短4小時內成功獲得了簽證,順利登機! 不僅如此,這位客戶還體驗了我們的VIP快速通關服務,並分享了抵達越南機場後的整個過程: 客戶在視頻中興奮地說道:「VIP快速通關服務真的太棒了!從下飛機到入境只用了不到8分鐘,完全不用擔心排隊的問題。這項服務絕對值得推薦!」 我們非常感謝這位客戶的真誠分享,也期待能為更多客戶提供同樣優質的服務!如果您正在尋找值得信賴的簽證服務,不妨來體驗一下,讓我們為您的旅程保駕護航! 為什麼選擇我們的簽證服務? 我們深知時間對旅客的重要性,尤其是在緊急情況下。無論您是旅遊、商務出行,還是遇到突發狀況,我們都能為您提供快速、可靠的簽證解決方案。以下是我們的核心服務: 1. 電子旅遊簽證 2. 電子商務簽證 3. 落地旅遊簽證 4. VIP快速通關服務 5. 加快電子簽服務(催簽) 為什麼客戶信任我們? 有任何問題?我們隨時為您服務! 如果您在申請過程中有任何疑問或需要協助,請隨時聯繫我們!我們的客戶支持團隊 全年無休,並通過以下方式為您提供貼心服務: 無論您選擇哪種聯繫方式,我們都將 竭誠為您解答疑惑,並提供所需的協助與指導。我們的目標很簡單:讓您 輕鬆獲得越南電子簽證,盡情享受越南的美好旅程!
As a visa consultant with over 15 years of experience, I have seen many travelers struggle with the processing time of their e-visa applications. It can be frustrating and worrisome, especially when your trip to Vietnam is fast approaching. But fear not, there is a solution to speed up Vietnam e-Visa application – Vietnamimmigration.org’s Boost
Starting March 1 through December 31, 2025, nationals from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland will receive a 45-day visa exemption for travel to Vietnam. This initiative represents the Vietnamese Government’s latest effort to boost tourism and draw visitors from key potential markets. Poland and the Czech Republic rank as Vietnam’s primary trading partners in
Your flight departs soon and you’ve just realized that you need a visa to enter Vietnam. Panic sets in as you frantically search for a way to get your visa in time. But don’t worry, as an experienced visa consultant with over 15 years in the field, I am here to offer you a solution
# Country Visa E-visa Notes 1 Afghanistan Visa is required 👉 Apply online for an e-visa Diplomatic passport holders are exempted from visa for 30 days. 2 Albania Visa is required 👉 Apply online for an e-visa Diplomatic passport holders are exempted visa for 30 days. 3 Algeria Visa is required 👉 Apply online for an e-visa Diplomatic
Vietnam Unilateral Visa Exemption Citizens of the countries listed below are exempt from visas when entering Vietnam for a stay of up to 45 days, provided they meet the specified conditions: Vietnam unilaterally exempts visas for citizens of the following countries: Russia, Japan, Korea, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Belarus, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain,
Applying for a Vietnam e-visa is a convenient and efficient way to obtain travel authorization to visit this vibrant Southeast Asian country. However, it’s common for travelers to have questions or encounter issues during the application process. In this article, we will address the top frequently asked questions regarding Vietnam e-visas and provide helpful information
Vietnam, a country known for its vibrant culture, historical sites, and stunning landscapes, has opened its doors wider to international travelers. The country has started granting Vietnam e-Visa to foreign nationals of all countries and territories, making the process of obtaining a visa more convenient and efficient. This comprehensive guide for your Vietnam e-visa will walk
Vietnam 45 Days Visa-Free: Enjoy an Extended Stay in the Land of Beauty Attention citizens of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK, Northern Ireland, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Belarus! We have some exciting news for you. The Vietnamese government, through resolution number 128/NQ-CP, has officially extended the duration of visa-free
We are thrilled to announce that Vietnam has taken a significant step towards enhancing its tourism industry by officially granting 90-day e-visas to citizens of all countries and territories. This exciting news comes as a result of the government’s resolution number 127/NQ-CP, signed on Monday, August 14th, 2023. Effective August 15th, 2023, international tourists can
🌍 Africa 🌏 Asia 🌍 Europe 🌎 North America 🌏 Oceania 🌎 South America
Please find below for address, phone, website, map and working time of the Immigration Offices in 63 cities and provinces Vietnam.
The Vietnam Visa Waiver Program enables nationals of certain countries to travel to Vietnam for tourism or business (visitor visa purposes) for a specific of time without obtaining a visa. UPDATED VIETNAM VISA EXEMPTION LIST – 2023 No Citizens of Days for visa-free 1 United Kingdom 45 days 2 France 45 days 3 Italy 45 days 4 Spain